T-300 Series

Production date: Prior to 2016.

In the years following the nuclear winter, Sky-Net struggled to develop a means of eliminating the survivors. The Series 300 models were designed to be easily manufactured, quickly produced, semi-autonomous, swift, agile enough to overtake humans in vehicles, and above all to be lethal and aggressive.  Speed allowed the unit to engage multiple targets, instead of being overtaken by sheer resistance numbers as earlier hunter killers, such as the T-20, were prone. These early soldiers were eventually replaced by the T-600s on the battlefield. However, they are often still encountered in prison camps as they make ideal sentries.  (Special Thanks to  CHRISTOPHER T. SHIELDS)

(Fast Walker)

Function: Prison Sentry, Lght Infantry, Scout, Seach & Destroy

Intelligence- Basic artificial intelligence. Series 30 Integrated Logic Package. The Series 30 ILP is an extremely scaled down derivative of the Neural Net CPU found in later hunter killers. Due to the limited storage space and slow processing, only basic data and programming can be written to the non-volatile memory area of the brain. This area of the brain contains pre-programmed behaviors, targeting algorithms, and combat subroutines.

300 series models can "learn" some behaviors in the way that an animal could be said to "learn". However, volatile memory in the T-300 is limited and is not extensive enough to follow instructions that are too complex, nor is it capable of forming complex thought processes.  Observers in the field have noted that T-300s behave like savage beasts, often forgoing ranged attacks for melee combat with their talons.  The onboard targeting system for ranged attacks is primitive in this model.

In other words, the 300 series was not intended for strategic coordination or creative battlefield tactics. It is more like an attack dog.

Typically used in 2 modes of operation (technically direct control was also possible):

  • automatic (individual units acting automatically to a variety of preprogrammed conditions); and
  • autonomous (single units relinquished to their own control acting independently).

Concealment- Not applicable

Weaponry- 300 Series units are armed with internally connected Westinghouse Phased Plasma Rifle or Rifles (various models) attached to the front of the chassis. These weapons are linked directly to the miniature reactor allowing almost infinite firing. Due to the positioning of the weapons, the unit has to be almost facing its target for accurate targeting.  Resistance groups have been known to target series 300 units to salvage their weaponry and reactors.

Construction- Approximately 6 feet tall. The main chassis is armored by honeycombed aluminum reinforced by hyper-alloy and houses a miniature reactor, multiple transmission units, and various electronics.  Leg assemblies are highly durable as well and do not easily break down. Thick housing and armor. Resistant to small arms fire, with more limited resistance to plasma weaponry. 

Capabilities- In addition to the above listed capabilities the 600 Series has many features. The unit can balance itself on one limb and lift objects as heavy as cars with the second limb. The 300 series can travel on all terrain with little difficulty and is an adept climber. New units are said to be able to run as fast as 60 mph regardless of terrain.

The T-300 is equipped with a superior sensory suite including night vision and telescopic vision. It is also equipped with sonar and radar capability. It can detect radio and microwave transmissions but cannot distinguish communication from background radiation due to its animal level intelligence.  Consequently, it may attack inanimate objects.

Weak points:

  • Incapable of high order thinking.
  • Conspicuous shape.
  • Primitive targeting system for ranged attacks.
  • Predictable aggressive behavior.

 Threat level: High